Geneva students are hungry and getting prepared to face the challenges ! How do the students perceive the new reality that will emerge from all the challenges affecting our financial industry ? How is tomorrow's workforce considering the future of our country and financial place ? On November 24, I…
The Fintech Fusion Demo Day took place on September 7th 2016, concluding the first year of the Fintech acceleration program in Switzerland.  And we can say with enthusiasm that the start ups presented in a very professional and convincing manner their company and solutions to business angels, corporate investors and venture capitalists. We…
On May 12, 2016, I have been invited by Professor Amit Goyal to participate and animate a course for future bankers within the financial market cursus (3rd year bachelor) at Unil (University of Lausanne). I met approximately 50 students to whom I presented the key challenges that our industry is…