Quais são os nossos pontos fortes no mercado de investimento alternativo? Algumas respostas do nosso Chefe de Investimentos Alternativos, Cédric Dingens, num pequeno vídeo: "Hedge funds, gestores fora do comum". O desempenho passado não é indicativo de resultados futuros. As opiniões, estratégias e instrumentos financeiros descritos neste…
Was sind unsere Stärken auf dem Markt für alternative Anlagen? Einige Antworten von unserem Head of Alternative Investments, Cédric Dingens, in einem kurzen Video: "Hedgefonds: Aussergewöhnliche Vermögensverwalter". Vergangene Performance stellt keinen Hinweis auf künftige Resultate dar. Die in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Ansichten, Strategien und Finanzinstrumente sind möglicherweise…
Quali sono i nostri punti di forza nel mercato degli investimenti alternativi? Il nostro Head of Alternative Investments, Cédric Dingens, ci risponde in un breve video: "Hedge Funds, gestori fuori dal comune". Le performance passate non sono in nessun caso indicative per i futuri risultati. le opinioni,…
¿Cuáles son nuestros puntos fuertes en el mercado de la inversión alternativa? Nuestro responsable de inversiones alternativas, Cédric Dingens, responde a esta pregunta en un breve vídeo: "Hedge funds - gestores fuera de lo común". Los resultados pasados no implican resultados futuros. Las opiniones, estrategias e instrumentos…
What are our strengths in the alternative investment market? Some answers from our Head of Alternative Investments, Cédric Dingens, in a short video: “Hedge funds - Managers that stand out from the crowd”. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The views, strategies and financial instruments…
Lynx, Best Multi-Manager Fund - Equity Hedge We are proud to announce that Long/Short Selection - Lynx was selected as the Best Multi-Manager Fund - Equity Hedge category during the Hedgeweek European Virtual Awards Networking Ceremony 2021. 33 years in the making and seven consecutive years of winning awards for…
Notz Stucki crowned Overall External Asset Manager at the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2021. Notz Stucki has been crowned ‘Overall External Asset Manager" and "Fund Selection/Asset Allocation Programme" at the 8. Annual WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2021. "2020 was a challenging year, but offered multiple opportunities. We are now…
2020 war ein sehr erfolgreiches Jahr für unsere alternative Vermögensverwaltung. Die Performances unserer Strategien wie Equity Long/Short, Global Macro oder Absolute Return lagen deutlich über denjenigen der Finanzmärkte und ihrer Benchmarks. Ein „gemeines“ Jahr 2020 gab es neben den hinterhältigen Pandemiewellen mehrere andere, absolut beispiellose Ereignisse, die vieles in Schwanken…
2020 was a particularly good year for our alternative investment funds. All strategies - Long/Short Equity, Global Macro and Absolute Return - amply outperformed the financial markets and their benchmarks. A rogue year The year unfolded as a series of rogue waves, one-offs that plunged the world into multiple uncertainties.…
A tu per tu con il gestore Intervista a Caron Bastianpillai, Senior Portfolio Manager La volatilità sui mercati si è attenuata, ma rimane ancora a livelli storicamente elevati. Inoltre, il recente rimbalzo potrebbe non avere seguito nei prossimi mesi, in quanto gli effetti devastanti della crisi probabilmente si rifletteranno a…