2019: Everything was positive! 2020: Be selective! One year ago, we stated the following conclusion when we summarized 2018: “2018 was the “annus horribilis” of the capital markets with no place to hide to make money. 2019 has started with attractive valuations and some challenges (US-China trade war, Brexit, Central…
2018: No place to hide to make money. 2019: Typically, reversion. During 2018, all major asset classes delivered negative returns as can be seen above. EQUITIES 2018: Starting valuations were very demanding. During the year, equity investors were scared by the coming slowdown (some even talk about recession), the US-China…
In Re-Search of Alpha Alexander Ineichen of UBS Warburg was well known in the hedge fund world for his first publication in 2000 of a series of four to follow titled “In Search of Alpha – Investing in Hedge Funds”. This was a guide written to de-mystify hedge fund…
Given the less attractive outlook on most traditional "pure beta" asset classes and investment styles, hedge funds and alternative investments are regaining interest from Swiss investors: pensions, banks, independent asset managers and private clients. Risk premia become increasingly tight, and with that the risk of a correction increases. The need…