The performance and current level of the world bond markets are extraordinary. The French example illustrates the bizarreness of this situation. French government debt reached €2.3 trillion at the end of 2018 and is estimated to expand by a further €80 billion this year, largely as a result of President…
CAPE–ability in question « In theory there’s not much difference between practice and theory – but in practice, there is. » Yogi Berra. More and more warnings are being sent about the unsustainability of the current CAPE ratio for the SP500 and that a correction should occur, based on the…
Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002, wrote a best-selling book entitled “Thinking, Fast and Slow”. The central thesis of the book is that human beings have two modes of thought: System 1: Fast, instinctive and emotional; System 2: Slow, deliberative and logical. We can say that…
1986 – 2016. « LIVE TO TELL » (MADONNA) In 1986 Madonna was singing a very nice song titled « Live to Tell » which rapidly became a hit. Although the song was by no means a reference to financial markets, it’s easy to extrapolate with the title and imagine…