2019: Everything was positive! 2020: Be selective! One year ago, we stated the following conclusion when we summarized 2018: “2018 was the “annus horribilis” of the capital markets with no place to hide to make money. 2019 has started with attractive valuations and some challenges (US-China trade war, Brexit, Central…
“Who you trying to get crazy with this thing? Don't you know I'm loco?”(*) Hip-hop does not have a lot in common with financial markets and this 1993 song from Cypress Hill was obviously not aimed at giving any reference to any asset class whatsoever. But when looking at the…
La dipendenza dei mercati dalle azioni delle Banche Centrali Nella riunione di Giovedì la BCE ha confermato la propria apertura ad un possibile taglio dei tassi e ad un nuovo QE, ma ciò non è stato sufficiente per le Borse, che hanno chiuso la giornata in negativo. Il 31 Luglio…
Stimoli per l’economia cinese L’economia cinese, seconda al mondo per dimensione, sta attraversando un periodo di rallentamento economico, a causa soprattutto della guerra commerciale e della contrazione del credito. Il grafico sotto mostra come negli ultimi anni si sia verificata una significativa diminuzione del tasso di crescita delle vendite al…
2018 was a brutal year for financial assets. A chart issued by Morgan Stanley shows all 17 major asset classes down for the year. Fixed income and equities in both Developed and Emerging Markets, and Commodities all fell. The indices disguise the true extent of the damage. The index heavy…
2018: No place to hide to make money. 2019: Typically, reversion. During 2018, all major asset classes delivered negative returns as can be seen above. EQUITIES 2018: Starting valuations were very demanding. During the year, equity investors were scared by the coming slowdown (some even talk about recession), the US-China…