Em busca do sharpe Muitos leitores recordar-se-ão da era dourada dos fundos de cobertura (anos 90) que terminou com a publicação do “In Search of Alpha – Investing in Hedge Funds” o primeiro de uma série de textos da autoria do famigerado Alexander Ineichen do UBS (um manual de formação…
The Haussmann fund and its entire management team were rewarded yesterday during the HFM European Performance Awards ceremony, at the Hurlingham Club, in London. The fund has won the prize for the best fund of hedge funds 2018 within the multi-strategy category. Congratulations to the 2018 winners!
The news that Calpers in the States and PFZW in Europe were pulling out of hedge funds did not come too much as a surprise considering how their portfolios fared. There were clearly specific issues regarding these two investors but as large allocators and opinion leaders in the market, there…