Growth versus Value: there’s a risk in everything, so be prepared for ups and downs So here we go again with the never ending confrontation between the Growth guys and the Value guys: they both tell you that their philosophy is the surest way to make money in equities over…
Value vs Growth: possibile rotazione settoriale? Finalmente è arrivato l’annuncio della BCE. La ricetta di Draghi prevede un taglio sul tasso dei depositi di 10 punti base (ora siamo a -0,50%), un nuovo Quantitative Easing con l’acquisto di 20 miliardi di titoli al mese, modifiche alle condizioni delle TLTRO ed…
DRIVERS OF US GDP GROWTH: CAN THE US GROW FASTER? Before the US election, the consensus view was that potential growth for the US economy was about 1.5% - 2.0%. After Trump won the elections, many market players are discounting higher growth rates due to the coming deregulation and fiscal…
On May 12, 2016, I have been invited by Professor Amit Goyal to participate and animate a course for future bankers within the financial market cursus (3rd year bachelor) at Unil (University of Lausanne). I met approximately 50 students to whom I presented the key challenges that our industry is…