2020 war ein sehr erfolgreiches Jahr für unsere alternative Vermögensverwaltung. Die Performances unserer Strategien wie Equity Long/Short, Global Macro oder Absolute Return lagen deutlich über denjenigen der Finanzmärkte und ihrer Benchmarks. Ein „gemeines“ Jahr 2020 gab es neben den hinterhältigen Pandemiewellen mehrere andere, absolut beispiellose Ereignisse, die vieles in Schwanken…
2020 was a particularly good year for our alternative investment funds. All strategies - Long/Short Equity, Global Macro and Absolute Return - amply outperformed the financial markets and their benchmarks. A rogue year The year unfolded as a series of rogue waves, one-offs that plunged the world into multiple uncertainties.…
A tu per tu con il gestore Intervista a Caron Bastianpillai, Senior Portfolio Manager La volatilità sui mercati si è attenuata, ma rimane ancora a livelli storicamente elevati. Inoltre, il recente rimbalzo potrebbe non avere seguito nei prossimi mesi, in quanto gli effetti devastanti della crisi probabilmente si rifletteranno a…
NS Macro outlook & Investment Opportunities, 28 April 2020 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, world economies face the worst peace-time hit to GDP since the Great Depression. Markets have reacted accordingly, with very severe downturns in all risk assets, a dearth of liquidity in the credit space, and a steady…