Stati Uniti divisi a metà : un bene per la Cina? Nonostante la manifestazione pro-Trump sia degenerata facendo scattare un vero proprio assalto al Congresso, Giovedì a Washington è stato ripristinato l’ordine e il Parlamento si è riunito per la proclamazione del nuovo Presidente eletto Joe Biden. I due seggi mancanti…
Large Cap: tra resilienza e opportunità  Alla luce della forte frenesia dei mercati, abbiamo analizzato i primi dieci componenti dei principali indici azionari per poter avere un'indicazione su ciò che ci si può aspettare per i prossimi mesi. In particolare, si notino nella tabella seguente le diverse metriche per Stati…
L’unica vera arma a nostra difesa: il tempo Mentre la situazione sta notevolmente migliorando in Cina, nei giorni scorsi l’OMS ha dichiarato che il Coronavirus è una pandemia, Trump ha bloccato i voli da e per l’Europa e i mercati sono scesi pesantemente. Il grafico sotto è esplicativo: l’S&P 500,…
The performance and current level of the world bond markets are extraordinary. The French example illustrates the bizarreness of this situation. French government debt reached €2.3 trillion at the end of 2018 and is estimated to expand by a further €80 billion this year, largely as a result of President…
Is the worst of the global slowdown behind us? In 2018 there was no place to hide in financial markets, but in the first quarter of this year a much better environment took hold. The turnaround is surprising in some ways. The fundamentals of most economies have not changed much.…
Notz Stucki has just released its investment outlook for the second quarter of 2017. The first quarter was considerably calmer than that of 2016. On the political front the Dutch election was won by the sitting Prime Minister, which marked a break of a string of losses by incumbents in recent…
DRIVERS OF US GDP GROWTH: CAN THE US GROW FASTER? Before the US election, the consensus view was that potential growth for the US economy was about 1.5% - 2.0%. After Trump won the elections, many market players are discounting higher growth rates due to the coming deregulation and fiscal…
US Healthcare sector : an appealing opportunity? The US Healthcare sector is comprised of Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Equipment and Hospital companies. Due to Hilary Clinton’s Tweet in 3Q15 to restrict pricing policies, this sector has corrected with high volatility. Despite that, earnings continue to grow steadily: +12% annualized growth over…