Notz Stucki has just released its investment outlook for the last quarter of 2017. Contrary to predictions at the start of the year, when it was expected that they would have to contend with rising interest rates, markets have been strong this year. Moreover one of the main hopes on…
CAPE–ability in question « In theory there’s not much difference between practice and theory – but in practice, there is. » Yogi Berra. More and more warnings are being sent about the unsustainability of the current CAPE ratio for the SP500 and that a correction should occur, based on the…
On the occasion of its semi-annual Investment Conference in Geneva held on January 10th, 2017, Notz Stucki welcomed the following guest speakers: Jeffrey Saut, Chief Investment Strategist & Managing Director, Equity Research, Raymond James Louis-Vincent Gave, Chief Executive Officer, Gavekal Christian Kopf, Director of Economic Research and Investment Strategy, Spinnaker Capital Group Juerg Nagel, Partner, Member…
DGC NOTZ STUCKI RAYMOND JAMES STRONG BUY SELECTION’S ASSETS CLIMB ABOVE € 50 MILLION FOR ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY The fund exhibits a 19.14% performance since the beginning of the year What are the origins of this blockbuster? After a setup of several months, a partnership was created between Notz Stucki Group,…
1986 – 2016. « LIVE TO TELL » (MADONNA) In 1986 Madonna was singing a very nice song titled « Live to Tell » which rapidly became a hit. Although the song was by no means a reference to financial markets, it’s easy to extrapolate with the title and imagine…
US EQUITIES: “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL” (SOMETIMES) In 1973, the British economist E. F. Schumacher published the book “Small is beautiful”. Although he did not talk about mid-small caps, the sentence is widely used to champion small players in all kinds of businesses. French & Fama published in the 80s the famous…